Tuesday, November 1, 2011
How Much Will Harper's 'Omnibus Crime Bill' Cost Saskatchewan? Brad Wall's NOT Saying! UPDATED
`So far, the most expensive election promise of the Saskatchewan Election campaign is the ongoing Billions in windfall profits that Brad Wall is allowing PotashCorp to rip off from the taxpayers of Saskatchewan.
Another HUGE expenditure is looming for the province and that's the amount that we will have to pay to implement Stephen Harper's Omnibus Crime Bill.
Today, both Quebec and Ontario (AND NOW ADD BRITISH COLUMBIA) told the Harper government that they will not carry these costs.
Saskatchewan's Brad Wall has been completely silent on this looming expenditure - he is usually too busy kissing Federal Tory butt to even ask what the costs will be. (Sorry Brad ... I call them as I see them. Your silence is deafening!)
Shame on Brad Wall for not representing the interests of Saskatchewan citizens on the federal stage!
-Quebec AND Ontario (AND NOW ADD BRITISH COLUMBIA) Refuse To Carry The Costs Of Harper's Crime Bill